July 31, 2013

no, i did not let benny watch Sharknado. . .

. . . but, apparently,  i might as well have.

i walked into his pre-school room yesterday and there was a cute little display on the wall about sea creatures. 
each child had told the teacher a story to jot down, and added an illustration. 
things like this nice, fact-based, thought:

and this more detailed bit: 

so, i looked for benny's, excited to see what he had contributed to the wall. 
i should have known. . . 

and, yep. 
that's my boy. 

fortunately, he is the same little guy who also desperately wanted to go to the "Bug Party" in the playground after school. 
where he insisted we make "ants on a log," (celery, cream cheese and raisins.)
then he also insisted i eat it. 
because, "that thing is just gross, mommy."
he also had fun doing a little splatter art. . .

and he was quite proud of his antennae hat. 

which was pretty precious. 
and innocent looking. 

if you don't look too closely to the saber-tooth on the back.
of his bug hat. 
like i said. . . 
that's my boy. 