about a month ago, I posted about my choice to go grey.
that, in and of itself was an interesting choice.
but, to be completely honest, as the writer of a blog that started out with the sole purpose of capturing the silly moments in the lives of my kids, i consistently grapple with posting things entirely about myself.
in my eyes, if you came here for a laugh about what my offspring decided to to today...in public...is it a bait-and-switch to get a post from me about what i did inside my brain?
or, in this case, with my follicles.
but, i digress.
per usual.
due to the nature of that whole "time" concept, my boys are continuing to get older.
as they do, I fully intend to blog about life around the Savvy abode.
but, i also feel a need to more carefully choose what I share, out of respect for the more cognizant beings they are becoming.
and so i have some special stories saved only for their future partners...
i am currently taking Brene Brown's online course.
as I am working through topics like letting go of comparing, embracing creativity, and cultivating concepts like play and calm (all a work in progress for me), i have been spending a lot of time thinking about the peace that comes with allowing myself to be more authentically...me.
part of that has been allowing myself to be a character in my own darn blog.
without feeling selfish.
or like i gave the blog the wrong name. . .
another part of the authenticity journey was the grey hair.
it's relieving and exciting at the same time.
i wanted to share some photos with my mom and sister.
i thought that a side-by-side comparison would show my progress over the last few weeks:
turns out, they look basically the same after 4 weeks.
anyone who knows me well, knows that I can lack patience.
actually, acquaintances likely know this about me as well.
full authenticity?
people who have passed me in Target probably recognize this about me.
sadly, i have not taken a course on patience as of late. . .
in mid-april, i had some highlights put in to try to create some variation/have less of a skunk stripe.
now i have three hair colors instead of two.
i'm still not sure if that was an improvement.
it seems that my joke about looking like a Zebra was actually an accurate prediction:
apparently the right side of my head is much more grey than the left.
because of course I would have some sort of pigment-driven version of a mullet.
who knew it would be going grey that got me into the business of taking selfies.
that look oddly like Ray-Ban product placement. . .
if i could be one of those creepy pull-her-hair-to-make-it-grow dolls from my childhood, I would.
because, it seems, i have a long way to go.