and i love our photos even more than last year.
which is a lot.
i think i included over 30.
please know that this actually was holding back on my part.
because i think i cut over 100 to get to that.
here are some of my favorites!
i still remember the photographer, Priscilla, from my first year working at Ohio State.
i was the Hall Director in Baker West, and "P" was a first year student living there.
i distinctly remember her walking up to me in the lobby early in the school year and declaring, "i am SO going to be an RA!"
and, she was.
in that very building.
i don't always get to see all the fabulous things that the students we get to know early on go and do.
in this case, "P," as my boys now call her, has been married for 5 years, is a nursing student, and has started a successful photography business on the side.
it is always fabulous to see her, and i am so grateful for another set of amazing photos that capture the spirit of my two little men!