i've mentioned a few times that i was out at a conference in New Orleans last week.
overall, 'twas a lovely time.
but it reinforces a few things that i've always known about myself.
mainly that i am old and boring, need sleep, and that i can have fun just about anywhere. . . but i have more fun if bern and the boys are there.
on the first night, we attended the conference's opening reception.
it was delicious.
but, i was carrying my small, orange, Fossil bag.
and because the pralines were delicious, three different people decided we should smuggle some out with us.
(pending the severe praline shortage expected in the city any day now.)
in my purse.
the pralines came in those little waxy, open-ended, bags that you typically get donuts and bagels in.
and, for some reason, they were squirrelly critters.
and ended up facing every which way in my bag.
i realized this the next day while a few friends and i were waiting to get into Deanie's for dinner.
not wanting to interrupt the dialogue, i slowly started handing them the contents of my purse.
wallet. phone. hand sanitizer, etc.
then i wandered over to the trash can to upend the crumbles of deliciousness that were left behind.
kelly, who is used to me, didn't skip a beat.
i'm pretty sure we threw off our friend Thyrone.
i had to clean pralines off of my phone. so, from that point on, i didn't carry my camera until the closing banquet.
thus the photos of NOLA that i now have are pretty scarce.
as in, i have 7 of them.
(well, actually i have 8. but i promised someone that i would not publicly share the picture i snapped of them wearing vegetables as bracelets because the restaurant gave us ginormous onions for our food.)
love the architecture of the city. so much.
here is my oft-mentioned friend kelly on our second night in town.
she's the one who moved to Wisconsin.
you know, "buttface."
yes. i seriously call her this. on special occasions.
like, whenever we talk.
we did the requisite, let's-see-what-Bourbon Street-is-about evening.
here are the hurricanes-in-fluer-de-lis-plastic-souvenir-cups that came with them.
yes, i brought mine home.
no, it hasn't come out of my suitcase. what on earth would i actually do with it?
there was a small contingent of us who decided that Bourbon Street was probably fine for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
but that we were, sadly, too old and boring for the madness.
we headed off to dinner at the Gumbo Shoppe, and then found the Swizzle Stick Bar in the Loews Hotel.
it kind of reminded me of the bar in The Shining.
sans the small creepy children on tricycles and slow decent into madness, etc.
then, like the supercoolperson that i am, i went back to the hotel to retire at 10pm.
here we are back on Bourbon Street on our last night in town.
really, we were just standing on Bourbon Street trying to figure out what exactly to do.
the answer?
hit up the Harrah's casino.
to gamble?
clearly not.
to go to the Fudruckers inside of it and enjoy the 80's soundtrack in the background.
seriously. our last big night in New Orleans involved us sitting in the fast food/Starbucks section of a casino, eating french fries with nacho cheese dip, rambling on about the various songs stuck in my head and having a rather genius misunderstanding involving "Super Jaime."
and i loved every minute of it.
okay. so this isn't from new orleans.
it's a sangria.
from a high end and very mom-and-pop establishment near our house called Applebees.
but i like the colors and where else would i ever use this photo?
but of all that new orleans had to offer in the culinary and beverage world. . . i had a clear cut favorite.
the beignets from the famous Cafe Du Monde were a treat.
but the coffee? amazing.
which only goes to prove that the coffee gods are either cruel or have a sick sense of humor.
a.) they make perfection and then localize it. which probably enhances the sense of
b.) they do not make a line of it on Keurig so i could actually replicate it at home.
c.) they take their coffee perfection and host it in a city with a 95% humidity level and a
heat index of 105 degrees.
that's. just. mean.