January 24, 2012

fail photo: a couple things to chew on

the conference i am currently attended has dug into the area of connecting the heart to the mind.
folks who know me will know that this means that i am enjoying MMI immensely.
it has given me a ton to "chew on" and some more to bring back to campus.

the conference also happens to be in Florida.
i've been told a few times to enjoy the sunshine while i am here.
so far, i have deeply enjoyed seeing the sun in a very blue sky.
sadly, it has been mostly out of the conference center windows.
but, i'll take it.

in the mean time, let me phone in another post.
from a break here in the conference center.
that i should probably be using to talk to other humans.

here is a young anth enjoying the beach on a family trip to San Clemente, California.

and, speaking of "chewing on" things, here is anth learning that the beach isn't quite as tasty as it looks.

happy Tuesday, and here's to s little sunshine, wherever you are!

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