December 3, 2010

questionably happy holidays - (fail photo 15)

my husband and i are attending a holiday party tonight.
the boys are heading over to Baker Hall West to have a fun little adventure involving hot chocolate and the movie The Polar Express with a lovely woman named Beth.
i, shortly, will throw on a dress and heels and play the part of girl tonight for the event.
(*note: dress was selected after a ridiculous week-long text and email exchange with another gem of a woman named Heather...we had to decide whether our choices were considered "festive attire" as noted on the invitation.)
(*note duex: we had the SAME email/text exchange for the same event last year.)
(*note tres: those who know me well know that heels and dresses don't often actually get to take adventures outside of the walls of my closet)
as a result of all above statements, and the fact that i need to quickly enter my office-shaped telephone booth to change into this dress before getting the boys to Beth, i prepped a little post last night for easy delivery today...

in celebration of the first Fail Photo post of December, i offer up one of the many shots we ended up with from our 2009 epically proportioned failure of a christmas card photo shoot.  
i mean, bless my friend Kelly (of who volunteered to take the photos...and her patient heart...but the boys were, kindly put, not in the mood. 
well, anth tried. 
ben...just...showed up. 
mainly because we strapped him in the car and drove him there. 
and his legs are shorter than ours so running away always produces the same outcome. 
but, per usual, i digress. 

anyway, in wading through the pictures from the photo shoot i realized that i could essentially post a fail-photo daily between now and Christmas. 
for real. 
that's not even including the gems from many other holiday related camera sprees. 
yet, even i'm thinking that would get old. 

but for now, happy december to you and yours...

two little boys.
two little benches.
two little trash cans.
too little smiles.

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