in his previous job on campus, bern worked with the group of extremely dedicated students who put on the annual BuckeyeThon.
what's BT?
it's a 17-hour dance marathon benefiting the Hematology/Oncology Department of Nationwide's Children's Hospital.
want to know more?
of course you do.
because bern has a soft spot for this particular project, he and anth went to visit them last night, and are back there again this morning so show some love and support.
here are our little men sending them the best of luck for an AMAZING 10am reveal!!!
the love came easily from anth...
but looked a little more difficult for ben...
and even harder upon lifting...
this is benny's new "smile for the camera" face.
anth had one for a while, too.
either way, much savvy love to BT!
UPDATE: they raised $222,518.17!!!!!!!!!!!
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