slowly, but surely, i will actually post the pictures from our trip to California.
more slowly than surely, perhaps.
little man has been working on writing his name.
N's are tough, so we are still helping him master those.
also tough?
properly applying sunscreen.
so when i say i managed to get a pretty bad sunburn while at the beach, i am talking about aesthetics more than the degree of the burn.
what i didn't share in the last post about San Clemente was that, on our first night, just as we were ready to leave, we were paying a last visit to the water line.
where anth lost his balance.
and became temporarily confused as to which way the tide was going.
this resulted in him regaining his balance and then proceeding to fall face first into an inch of water.
let's just say he was less than interested in the water for the rest of the trip.
which was all of it.
ben loved the water and sand equally.
not only did anth "eat it" at the shoreline.
he apparently, thanks to my brilliant photographic timing, ate this frisbee.
benny & grandma.
grandma, defiantly not looking at whatever grandpa is pointing out to them.
ok, so being completely honest here, i clearly clicked on the wrong photo to load to this post.
but this was from back in the timeshare.
aren't anth's and bern's hands freakishly similar?
furthermore, aren't they freakishly patient with me for posing for this shot?
Such a great picture of you and Bern!