oh look!
pictures from anthony's holiday show and classroom party.
memorial holiday?
not quite.
perhaps closer to the winter holiday variety.
no good pictures of anthony in the crowd.
just a lot of this.
"this" being children sitting on top of each other while their teachers frantically gestured at them while they were singing.
with parents playing the part of paparazzi.
in a 123 degree gym.
. . . it totally brought out my holiday spirit.
benny came along to help volunteer for the classroom party.
he helped with the assemble-the-snow-person game.
and then made this face.
anth's favorite part, of course, was craft time.
this is ben eyeing the candy table.
you can guess where the candy table was situated.
benny's favorite part of the event, of course, was sugar time.
daddy helping the kids at anth's table.
after volunteering a handful of times in anth's class, i've learned that this is preferred style of sitting at his spot.
considering he follows almost every rule he has heard spoken, i guess i can deal with a kid who struggles to stay seated.
bless his heart.
happy holidays everyone!
and by that, i clearly mean, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!
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