December 23, 2010

welch girls mean well. . .

today is my sister's 27th birthday. 
katie lives in kauai, so i don't get to see her nearly as much as i would like.
when we were younger, katie and i were clearly distinct people. 
she had long, straight blonde hair and a tan. 
she was shorter than me. 
and she is one of the only adults on this planet who continues to be. 
and i love her for that and for many other reasons. 
over time we grew to look a bit more similar. 

Exhibit A:

we do, however, have quite a few personality traits in common. 
some of them are lovely. 
some, not so helpful. 
let me explain...

my mom does many things well. 
this includes sending cards and gifts in a well-wrapped and timely fashion. 
my sister and i...both...have good intentions. 
generally, we know your birthday/anniversary/etc., is coming. 
we probably bought a gift. 
likely bought or made a card. 
even wrapped the gift. 
and here is where the story ends. 
you see, my sister and i feel mutually apathetic about making our way to the Post Office. 
(or, we just really, really fail at it.)
either way, really. 

in prepping for the holidays this year, and in keeping with the miracles associated with the season, katie and i both managed to buy, wrap and mail gifts in time for them to arrive at my parents' house BEFORE christmas. 
however, "wrap" is a loose term in this case. 
Exhibit B is the photo below. 
it is of one of the gifts that arrived in the package from katie. 

the bow attached was the "wrapping" that occurred after arrival on my mom's behalf. 
(no worries, someone will manage to do this for real before the am on the 25th.)

all of this goes to say, Happy Birthday, Katie Mae!!!!

...and sorry i forgot to throw your birthday card in the box with your gift. 
for real. 



  1. Two things.
    1. Happy Birthday, Katie!
    2. I LOVE that your mom put the bow on this. Love. Freaking hilarious and perfect.

  2. OMG! LOL! I sent her a text singing the happy birthday song, Northwoods Inn style :)
