December 28, 2012

a whole decade of us!!

it's official!
we made it to 10 years together!
we are off celebrating today, but i wanted to publicly say thanks for all the memories to my sweet boy!
how do i know he really loves me? 
part of our celebration includes seeing Les Mis. 
(yes, i do see the irony of celebrating 10 years by watching The Miserables.)

Happy Anniversary, Bernie!!
here's to many more decades together!

think he would have married me if he knew i would blog our life? oops.
in fairness, it wasn't part of the vows.
(want to know more? here's the extended version.)


  1. Congrats to both of you. You're great models for what a life together should be.

    I loved the Siri post too, by the way. If she lived in our house, I'm sure I would have had a similar reaction to a similar line of questioning. :)
